All of Ashley's Adventures

About Me

Okay, so by now you should be aware, my name is Ashley. I know, big shock right?! I'm really not as self absorbed as my website might imply with my name plastered all over it. Fun fact, I actually dislike my name. Like really, Ashley, could my parents get more basic? Anyways, I digress. The real goal was to create a clever way to connect all my life events and have people remember me. Thus Ashley's Adventures was created!

I may have jumped ahead a bit. Lets start from the real beginning. It all started when I decided I was no longer happy working a 7-5 job in hospitality and not only that, I decided I was going to make a change! I finally had enough. If you have ever worked in restaurants, you know my pain. It's crazy to work in an industry that it's almost socially acceptable to be harassed on the daily. Not only that, there is this mentality that "customers are always right" no matter how degrading they are being. And if you want to pay your bills, you have to endure such harassment because otherwise you risk not being tipped cause if you live in a state like Florida, you get paid $7.98 an hour. Try living off that wage! Sorry, I digressed again. Basically story is I was becoming super depressed from my job, like go to the doctor and get my medication fixed situation. And it was at this low point that all these adventures started. 

The ultimate goal is to turn all this into a small business. I'm really not exactly sure what I am doing or how I am going to do it. I'm simply just learning as I go and having fun. I love being creative and focusing my energy on things that actually matter in my life. My main focus is on my plant hobby and fur baby, Leo. I also am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. I love trying new products out so figured I would share my reviews with others. What I do know though is I have huge goals for this website including a future camper section where I travel / live in a campervan with my cat. But that is still aways away. Also, I am in the design stages for launching my own products for sale. That being said, if you purchase anything through my site, you are extremely appreciated! Any support for me and my website is a huge blessing, so please know I am extremely grateful to you. With that all being said, I hope you enjoy my content!

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